Sampoorna Yoga
“Listen to the heart. It tells no lies.”
Beth Rosen
What is Sampoorna Yoga?
Sampoorna Yoga is the yoga of fullness developed by Sri Yogi Hari with its roots in the Sivananda lineage. Sampoorna Yoga integrates the different paths of yoga (Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Nada Yoga) to harmonize all aspects of the personality so that a person is liberated to feel health, joy and peace and to experience his true divine nature.
Hatha Yoga (gaining control of the mind by controlling the energy and prana with the help of asana and pranayama)
Raja Yoga (observing and analyzing the mind in order to gain control over it)
Karma Yoga (detachment through selfless service and acts of kindness)
Bhakti Yoga (sublimation of emotions into devotion in order to purify the heart and open to the universal energy of love)
Jnana Yoga (use of the intellect to investigate the true nature of reality)
Nada Yoga (the yoga of divine vibration and sound to uplift the human spirit)
The mind is ultimately lost without the heart. That is why the integration of all these divine disciplines helps one to maintain balance and harmony while aligning with one’s higher self. One ultimately seeks to control the mind and open the heart so that one can transcend the limitations of mind, body, intellect and emotions and live life to the fullest.
What to Expect from a Sampoorna Yoga Session
Beth is a professor of yoga with 800 hours of certified training in Sampoorna Yoga with world-renowned master of yoga, Sri Yogi Hari of the Sivananda lineage.
Sampoorna Hatha Yoga classes work on balancing the physical, emotional, astral and causal bodies so that you feel calm, centered, peaceful, energized and joyful. As you begin to take your body beyond your perceived limitations, you begin to realize that you can also transcend other imagined limitations.
Of all the yoga systems I have tried, Sampoorna Yoga is the most energizing, empowering and liberating. It is specifically designed to accelerate your evolution, recharge your prana (life force), and get you back on track to pursue your life’s passion. The impossible becomes possible.
Enlightenment Vignettes through
Sampoorna Yoga
When I took my first teacher’s training certification, I could hardly stand up or breathe because I had three crushed ribs from a martial arts class. When I told Sri Yogi Hari this, he gently laughed and said, “But you are not this body.” Then he calmly walked away, leaving me wondering what he was talking about. Two days later I was doing a full backbend, standing on my head and feeling extraordinarily peaceful and energized. It was a truly enlightening experience.
With the help of yoga and the divine grace of my guru, I was able to ween myself off addictive and dangerous medications, reconnect with my higher self and the world around me, and get back to living my dream. To learn more about Sampoorna Yoga and the teachings of Sri Yogi Hari, you can visit
Selected Bibliography
Sampoorna Yoga by Sri Yogi Hari
Hatha Yoga
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Three Sessions = $285
Five Sessions = $450
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Copyright © 2009 by Beth Rosen
Hatha Yoga
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One Session = $100
Three Sessions = $285
Five Sessions = $450
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